How to Prep Your Garden for Spring

Even though it might still be snowing in many areas of the world, individuals are looking forward to the trees beginning to bud in a month’s time and the ground beginning to warm. Before planting your garden for the spring, it’s important that you have the necessary preparation work in place. This can help ensure that your food supply will be bountiful.

Get Back to Weeding

Before you start working on the soil, remove all the weeds and other plant debris from your garden. Make sure that the soil is dry enough before you start tilling or heavy weeding. Doing so can help prevent the soil from compacting and damaging the structure. The soil should be ready to work if it can be formed into a ball. If it doesn’t retain its shape or crumbles easily, it might need some more time to finish drying out.

Begin Your Transplants

You can get a head start on your gardening by growing some plants indoors that can later be transplanted outdoors. You will need to acquire high-quality soil and a good starting tray. Place the seeds inside the starting trays in a warm room. Make sure that the soil is moist as the plants grow.

Before you start transplanting the seedlings outdoors, make sure that they are placed outside for at least a week, only bringing them inside at night time. This will allow them to get used to the different conditions outside.

Get Locally-Sourced Seeds

You can get high-quality seeds from a local seed farm. These are usually adapted to your region’s environment and climate. When it comes to choosing seeds, choose ones that will grow well in the sunlight that your garden receives. Some of the crops that can be grown during the early season include lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, parsley, and beans.

Prepare a Compost System

If you don’t already have a compost system, then you should start one this season. Making your own compost can be a great way to reduce your fertilizer costs. You can add garden debris, kitchen scraps, and yard trimmings to your compost. Pick a system that is suitable for the amount of plant material that you will be adding. Vermicomposting can be used for smaller gardens, while a three-bin system is ideal for larger ones.

The post How to Prep Your Garden for Spring first appeared on Edward Soppet | Home & Garden.

from Edward Soppet | Home & Garden

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